
On premise and Cloud Accessible

emCount is a Headcount Management Software has the unique capability to display the total count of people inside the company premises in real time. It gives a ‘one Glance’ live count view on a dashboard and confirms their last access point.

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  • Live dashboard featuring number of person inside the company premises in real time
  • Automatic printing of emergency fire list for details of persons inside the premises in case of emergency triggers
  • If a person enters a sensitive zone and doesn’t check out after specified duration of time, an email/SMS alert will be triggered to concerned security in real time


More Benefits

  • Safety in the terms of restricting the entry of certain employees/visitors in certain areas of the premises
  • Floor-wise and zone-wise details of persons occupying the respective zones
  • Alerts for persons entering specific red flagged/sensitive zones
  • Monitoring busy areas from overcrowding.
  • Definition of the location/areas/zones in the premises for the count in the master form
  • Segregation of total persons inside the company premises into number of employees, contract workers and visitors at any instant



  • Live Dashboard featuring number of persons inside the company premises in Real Time
  • Floor-wise and Zone-wise details of persons occupying respective zones
  • Automatic printing of Emergency Fire list for details of persons inside the premises in case of emergency triggers
  • Alerts for persons entering specific Red flagged/sensitive zones
  • Monitoring busy areas for overcrowding. The system offers a relatively accurate means of managing the capacity of people
  • Compliance to building Safety and Emergency regulations


More Features

  • With count display flexibility, the count can be displayed in particular Zone Readers, Zones of restricted capacity and restricted entry areas for security reasons
  • One can define the Locations/Areas/Zones in the premises fro the count in the Master form
  • Safety in terms of restricting the entry of certain employees/visitors in certain areas of the premises
  • Segregation of Total Persons inside the company premises into number of employees, Contract Workers and Visitors at any instant

HCMS is exactly what you need


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